Frequently Asked Questions

  • Step 1. You can request a quote via our contact page. Alternatively, you can get in contact with us via social media or email.

    Step 2. We will send you a quote via email with our terms and conditions attached.

    Step 3. By signing our terms and conditions and agreeing to our quote, we can go ahead and book your event.

    Step 4. We will send you an invoice for a 30% deposit to confirm your booking.

  • We understand that accidents happen, but our equipment can be quite expensive to replace or repair. We require a $250 bond payment 3 days before your event. Given the equipment is given back to us, in the same condition it was given to you, we will return your bond. If damages occur, you will be charged accordingly. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions/Rules of play for more info.

  • We prefer not to have our soft play set up outdoors. If this is something you would like to do, you would need to confirm with us first. If the weather and surrounds permit, we may agree to this.

  • Our prices include a base time of 4 hours for the party. We will arrive prior to this time to setup and, will collect on the conclusion of the 4 hours. If you require longer access, please specify your requirement in the quote request.

  • Please refer to our terms and conditions for our cancellation policy.

  • Yes. We have the highest level of Public Liability insurance and can provide the certificate if required.

  • All our soft play is inclusive of mats and fences for the safety of the children and our equipment.

  • Yes. Our minimum spend for Soft Play is $300 + Delivery.

    Minimum spend for Lawn Games is $120 + Delivery

  • Yes. We will require a bond payment 3 days before your hire period. The bond payment for soft play is $250